Frequently Asked Questions

If I make a donation to you, can I deduct it on my taxes?

Heaven Sent Ministries is an Exempt Organization, as defined by IRS code section 501(c)(3). So, while we will not provide any personal advice on preparing your taxes, we are eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions. You can find us in the search the IRS database of Exempt Organizations. Our EIN is 55-0755905.

What is your mission statement?

Our official mission statement is Assisting the church in reaching the world for Christ. This mission finds its feet in two sub-statements:

  • Helping YOU feed starving children, which relates specifically to our hunger relief efforts.

  • Helping YOU help others, which captures our heart to do good to all as we have opportunity.

Are you connected with a particular denomination?

While we are a Christian organization, we are not connected with any particular denomination. Heaven Sent staff and board members participate in a variety of Christian churches, and 0ur financial support comes from a variety of individuals, churches, businesses, and civic organizations.

What Motivates you?

  • We believe that all people are created in the image of God and loved by Him.

  • We believe that Christians are called to love God and love our neighbors as much as we love ourselves, just as Jesus taught in Matthew 22.

  • We believe that our faith and actions must be in agreement. So, if we believe that God cares about His Image-Bearers and calls us to do the same, we ought to do good to everyone as we have opportunity.

    In other words, we are motivated by love for God and loving compassion toward others.

Since you’re a Christian organization, do you only work with other Christians?

In both hunger and disaster relief, we distribute our food and supplies without prejudice of race, creed, or nationality. While do this primarily in partnership with Christian organizations, we welcome the help of all people in our work of feeding starving children and helping others around the world. The job is big, and we’ll take all the hands we can get!

As for short-term mission experiences, our intention is to connect people who profess a Christian faith with our Christian missionary partners around the world. Our mission trip application explains this process in more detail. Contact Andrew Tattersall, our International Missions Coordinator at for more information.

What do you believe?

Along with most other Christian ministries and churches, we affirm the truths of the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed.

Here’s a simple summary:

We believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, authoritative word of God. As such, we believe the Scriptures reveal about God. He is Three Persons in One, eternal, righteous, just, power, wise, good, and loving. We likewise affirm very human being is made in His Image who have fallen into sin and are thus separate from relationship with Him in a now broken world.

Jesus lived a life of perfect obedience to God and suffered and died on a cross to create the way for people to be reconnected to God, as we were created to be. After three days in the grave, Jesus rose again – defeating death – and returned to the Father in heaven.

Because Jesus died and rose again, we can live in hope for a new life in this world and in eternity with God.

To connect with this new life and hope, we need to recognize that we have big issues inherent in our nature that we can’t fix ourselves, accept Christ’s claim that he is the Son of God and the way to new life, and allow Him to lead us in the way to new life here and eternal life with him.

Don’t see the answer to your question? Email us at